Archive for June, 2022

‘Heartbreakers’ High Definition Screencaptures Added

Also back in 2001, Jennifer did a movie with Sigourney Weaver. I’ve managed to add almost 2,000+ HD screen captures to the gallery. Gallery Links: – Home > Movie Productions > Heartbreakers > MOVIE SCREENCAPTURES: BLU-RAY

‘The Audrey Hepburn Story’ DVD Captures Added

Jennifer did a made for TV movie about her beloved favorite actress Audrey Hepburn and I manage to add over 2,000+ DVD captures of Jennifer playing the beloved character. Gallery Links: – Home > Movie Productions > The Audrey Hepburn Story > DVD Captures

‘9-1-1 Screencaptures Added’

I’ve managed to add the rest of season 5 into the gallery. It’s so great to see Jennifer back on TV and I’m excited to announce that it has been picked up for a season six! I’m glad to see Maddie back at the call center and can’t wait to see what’s in store for […]